Introduction into Dynamic Segmentary Diagnostics

Igor V. Boitsov MD, PhD, DSc





All Rights Reserved 2002.04.11, Moscow © "POINTS"




1.1 Introduction into Sectional Neuro-Functional Diagnostics ................................ 5

1.2 Software" POINTS" - Rules of Installation .........................................................9

1.3 Initial Start of Software "POINTS".....................................................................10

1.4 Checking Connection of Device to Your Computer...........................................12

1.4.1 Connection of Diagnostic Module "POST -12.2".....................................13

1.5 Registration of the POINTS Programme User .................................................14

1.6 Installing a Password for Programme Entry ....................................................15



2.1 Rules for Testing...............................................................................................16

2.2 Patient's Registration (General Information).....................................................16

2.2.1 How to Register a New Patient...............................................................17

2.2.2 Patient's Registration from Archive.........................................................19

2.3 Adjustment of the Device..................................................................................19

2.4 Testing..............................................................................................................21

2.5 How to Enter Data Into Table of Indication Recordings from Keyboard....................................................................................................24

2.6 Viewing Graphical Results of Testing ................................................................25

2.7 Interpreting the Results of Testing for the DSD-method ................................... 30



3.1 Conditions for Conducting Initial Diagnostics.....................................................35

3.2 Diagnostic Conclusions.....................................................................................36

3.4 Parasite Series..................................................................................................37

3.5 Body Mass Index...............................................................................................38

3.6 Phantom .............................................................................................………….38

3.6.1 How To Look Through Phantom...............................................................38

3.6.2 Comparison of Phantoms........................................................................ 42



4.3 How to Work With Programme "Phytotherapy in Case of Lacking of Yin and Yang Balance......................................................43



5.1 How to Select Points for Acupuncture Therapy

5.1.1 Looking through receipt for conducting acupuncture therapy………........45

5.1.2 How to Work with Programme "Acupuncture Atlas"................................ 46

5.1.3 Looking through Parameters of Influence............................................... 46

5.1.4 How To Select Additional Points of Influence......................................... 47

5.1.5 How to Calculate an Open Point............................................................. 47

5.1.6 How to Work with Programme "Treatment of Separate Diseases"…….. 47

5.1.7 How to work with Timer During Treatment Procedures............................47



6.1 General Information About "Archive"..................................................................48

6.2 Search for Patients in Archive...........................................................................49

6.3 How To Delete Information From Archive .........................................................49

6.4 Archive Repairing...............................................................................................50

6.5 How to print from Archive ..................................................................................50

6.6 How to Code Patients And Their Measurements ..............................................50

6.7 How To Compare Measurements

6.7.1 How To Compare Any Two Measurements.............................................51

6.7.2 How To Compare Measurements of the Same Patient...........................51

6.8 How To Select a Group of Patients...................................................................54



7.1 General Information............................................................................................56

7.2 How To Create the List "Physicians".................................................................56

7.3 How to Create the list Of Codes........................................................................56



8.1 Reserve Copying Of Archive.............................................................................58

8.2 How to Restore Archive Copy............................................................................58

8.3 How To Connect Other Bases............................................................................59

8.4 Erase of Current Database.................................................................................60

8.5 How To Adjust Device Parameters.....................................................................60

8.6 Adjustment Of Parameters for Printing...............................................................60

8.7 Adjustment of Colour Scale................................................................................50

8.8 How To Select Representative Points Group....................................................60

8.9 How to Select the Language...............................................................................61

8.10 Registration of Programme on Your Computer................................................ 61


9. ORIENTAL MASSAGE .........................................................................................62



10.1 How to Construct a New Model........................................................................64

10.2 How to Construct an "Anti - Model"...................................................................68

10.3 How To Work With Models' Archive

10.3.1 How To Look Trough Graphic Model from Archives.......................................69

10.3.2 How To Compare Models From Archive........................................................69

10.4 How to Compare the Patients' Diagrams From Archive with Graphic Model images from the Model Archive.........................................70

10.5 Examples of Applying Software "Graphic Modelling......................................... 71



12.1 Personal Patient's Card....................................................................................73

12.2 Graphic Results of Testing...............................................................................73

12.3 Patients' List from Archive............................................................................... 73

12.4 Comparison of One Patient's Diagrams.......................................................... 73

12.5 Diagnostic Conclusions................................................................................... 73

12.7 Phantom.......................................................................................................... 74

12.8 Recommended Points of Influence................................................................. 74

12.9 Recommendations on Phytotherapy........................................................….. . 74


"Introduction into

Dynamic Segmentary Diagnostics"


The functioning of the PC-controlled complex "POINTS" is based on the method of the Dynamic Segmentary Diagnostics (DSD-method) which was developed and patented by I.V. Boitsov, MD, (Republic of Belarus).

The DSD is method of Segmentary Neuro-Functional Diagnostics (SNFD). DSD-method consists in assessing the degree of vegetative regulation of the inner organs and muscle-tendon's apparatus on the basis of changing activities of the spinal innervation neurones as a response to a light stimulation of the skin integument by a standard electrical impulse.

In other words, while interpreting the obtained values, the vegetative regulation of the skin in the area of certain dermatoms is being related to the vegetative regulation of the inner organs. The spinal innervation at any level comprises the interacting constituents of the whole neurone apparatus of a certain section of the spinal cord, such as neurones of the grey substance of the spinal marrow as well as neurones of the paravertebral, prevertebral and spinal ganglia which were isolated into knots in the process of embryogeny.

In the process of embryogeny all constituents of a functional system turned out to be interrelated because of their common initial innervation which persists in case of displacement of organs and tissues due to simultaneous growth of nerve conductors.

In case of any pathology of a functional system all its constituents have to suffer. In the context of contemporary neurophysiology the integrating onset for these constituents lies in the neuron apparatus of the spinal cord (fig. 1.1) where the neurones of certain sections (which are called a "neurotom") rule the corresponding inner organ of the functional system (called a "splankhotom") as well as the dermatom (which represents this functional system on the skin) and the myotom and sclerotom (which are the corresponding muscles with ligaments and tendons), whereas the neurone processes, being components of the nervous trunks and conduction tracts, provide for the integrity of the whole functional system and its interrelations to other systems.

Fig. 1.1. Main constituents of a functional system

The diagnostic investigation can be schematically represented in the following way (fig. 1.2):

Step I. By means of an active electrode placed on the skin nervous receptors in the skin and the subcutaneous fat are irritated by an irritant of standard strength (the advantages of electric current as a stimulus result from easy standardisation of its parameters such as voltage, current strength, time and area of exposure what determines the necessary power and standardisation of the testing signal).

Step II. As a result of the stimulus a local depolarisation potential arises in the end receptors.

Step III. Under the influence of the sufficient stimulus power the depolarisation potential reaches its critical level and rearranges itself into a nervous impulse which is conducted to the neurones by the afferent fibres.

Step IV. The activity of the neurone apparatus in the corresponding sectors of the spinal cord changes and the character of theses variations depends on the functional state of the neurones before the impulse

Step V. The response of the neurone apparatus to the stimulus conducted by the efferent fibres changes the vegetative regulation of the skin under the active electrode.

Step VI. Resulting from this the electrophysiological properties of this skin area, in particular its electrical resistance, may vary.

Step VII. The value of the skin electrocunductivity under the active electrode is being constantly measured by the investigator in the process of testing (current strength is inversely related to electrical conductivity).After the representative areas of all the dermatoms have been tested, the results are interpreted taken into account the normal responsiveness of the neurone apparatus in the various sections of the spinal cord.

Fig.1.2 Scheme of Dynamic Sectional Diagnostics


In the process of computer testing the nerve endings of the skin are stimulated and the variations in the strength of the current flowing through the active electrode are constantly recorded. In the process of testing the current strength is constantly increasing until it reaches a certain level which is its stimulation phase (fig. 1.3 A), then it remains stable for a while (a plateau phase - fig.1.3.B). If the stimulus of the nerve endings persists further, the strength of current will decrease (an inhibition phase - fig. 1.3 C).

The complex "POINTS" provides you with ability to investigate all the phases of the neurone apparatus response. But since the process of the neurone apparatus stimulation before reaching its plateau level takes from 10 to 50 seconds and the process of inhibition takes 5 -10 minutes you may benefit from three variants of the neuro - functional diagnostics.

Variant I of SNFD (the "ryodoraku" method by Y.Nakatani) consists in assessing the changes of electrophysiological properties of the skin (i.e. electroconductivity in our case) after the skin has been shortly and lightly stimulated (the testing current lasts for 3 seconds) In this case the results of testing allow us to assess the localisation of a pathological process in the organism without defining how deep the neurone apparatus is affected. In this variant the time necessary for testing of all representative areas is about 3 minutes

Fig.1.3. Phases of neurone apparatus response under the influence of testing current

Variant II of SNFD (the DSD-method by I.Boitsov) consists in assessing the current strength alterations in the process of the neurone apparatus stimulation up to the plateau phase. In this case we define not only the localisation of a pathology but also the degree of the neurone apparatus affection and in some cases even a hidden pathology which cannot be found by means of a light stimulus. In this variant the time necessary for testing of all representative areas is about 15 minutes

Variant III of SNFD (the DSD-method by I.Boitsov) includes the investigation of the stimulation and inhibition phases of the neurone apparatus what may be necessary for conducting special research studies. In this variant the time necessary for testing of all representative areas is about 1,5 - 2 hours.

When the testing for localisation of a pathological process, i.e. pathologically altered functional systems, is finished for each sectional level, the qualitative and quantitative indices of the skin electrocionductivity variations caused by the stimulus influence are assessed.

The qualitative index characterises the variations in the current strength in the course of the testing time. The diagram of these variations is being shown on the screen for each dermatom in the process of its testing. Figure 1.4. shows the diagrams for

  • B - normal response of the neurone apparatus
  • A - response of the stimulated neurone apparatus
  • C - response of the inhibited neurone apparatus

The quantitative index characterises the amplitude of the current strength variations, i.e. the strength under which the plateau phase occurs. Under the influence of the testing current the skin electroconductivity index of a healthy person must reach certain values and these values for various dermatoms must correlate according to certain factors.

Fig.1.4. Types of skin electroconductivity variations under the influence of testing current

All stages of interpretation are automatically fulfilled by the software of the "POINTS" complex and their results may be shown in diagram, text or phantom variants.

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